Thursday, February 18, 2010

German students' impressions on meeting 1-6 February 2010

Our names are Anna, Dominik, Mona and Anja. We are from Germany(Cologne).
We are part of the Comenius project and because of this we got the chance to travel to Cyprus. We like Cypriot people, they have got friendly personality and they are warm and open for other things. Also we like the weather and food. Cyprus has got beautiful places for example, Paphos, Limassol, Nicosia and Larnaca. Our hosting families are very friendly because they have helped us to enjoy the week and they have given us the chance to get a lot of experience of Cypriot food, culture and places.

Meeting in Cyprus( 1-6 February, 2010)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cologne meeting !13 /12 - 2009 till 19/12/2009

Sunday 13th December 2009(by Maria V)
We all woke up full of joy and good mood. We were so excited about our trip to Germany! At 2:00 we arrived at the airport of Larnaca, we said goodbye to our family and we got ready for the departure. We finally were in the plane and at the take of we started imagining the great time we would have the coming week. We landed at the airport of Vienna and a surprise was awaiting us. It was snowing! After walking through the airport, we went on the plane again and after a few hours we reached at Cologne. The time when we would meet the students who were going to accommodate us has finally arrived. They were waiting for us with smiles on their faces and at once we felt their warmth. We met each other and then we went to their houses. During the drive we couldn’t stop looking outside the window to get to know Germany. We couldn’t believe that we were there! When we arrived at their homes it was time for rest.

Thursday, 17th December(By Andrea)

The German teachers and students had planned a trip to Dusseldorf. All of us teachers and students from Cyprus, Germany and Spain went there by train. There we saw same interesting buildings. We went for a walk near the Rhine and it was very cold!!!! Then we went to a museum which was about Food in Contemporary Art. After that, we and the German students went shopping at Dusseldorf! We went home for dinner and later on we went bowling, where we had great time!!!!

Friday , 18th December(by Evridiki)

It was the last day of our trip in Germany before our departure day. We were all a little bit sad but we wanted to have the greatest time that day! In the morning we went to Bonn Christmas Market. There, we had the chance to visit all the shops and spend our money to buy sweets, clothes, etc. It was an amazing day and during our return we had a great time in the train laughing and trying to learn German and teach our hosts some Cypriot expressions! And the fun couldn’t stop: At night we went to Anjas house where Thekla was hosted. We talked, we ate a lot and we played singstar! While we were singing we couldn’t stop laughing as some songs were really fast and difficult to sing. Suddenly, it started snowing and we couldn’t believe it .We all went out and started throwing snow to each other. I fell down in the snow and the others sat on top of me to take some crazy photos. Despite the cold, we were really happy and we didn’t want it to end. It was the first time we were outside while snowing and all the buildings and cars were white….And may all your Christmas be white…….

And as all goods have an end, we had to go home, sleep and get ready for our next day departure…

Saturday, 19th December, 2009 (by Maria V)
It was unfortunately the day we were leaving. We woke up at 5:30 am and we packed what had left. Going down the stairs the family that was hosting us was waiting for us to say goodbye to us. We were so sad that we were leaving. We got into the car and set off for the airport. We couldn’t take our eyes away from the window watching snowy Germany. Then, we arrived at the airport and we said goodbye to our German friends. We got on the plane, we arrived at Vienna’s airport and after a while we went on board again. In a few hours we could discern small Cyprus from high up. We were back to Cyprus, back to reality. The break was over.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Meeting in Cyprus (3rd may-8th May)

Feedback from the German Students on their stay in Cyprus. It was sent to me by their teacher a few days ago!


I found the time in Cyprus very beautiful, we undertook beautiful things and had much fun. I felt very well in the family. I would be glad to go to Cyprus once again. The work on the project was also fun, I hope we will see each other again
Friendly greetings,
dominique ;)


My Stay in Zypern was very nice. All the people were very friendly and hospitable. The place around the hotel was a little bit loud but the room and the breakfast were ok. Unfortunately, the weather was not so good.


Thank you for the week in Cyprus. Your family was nice.
In Cyprus many things are different from Germany.
The one thing is that the cars drive on the other side and that your TV is in English.
Your house was really big and I think it was good that we slept in one room so we could talk to each other before we sleep.
I like your gym at school because it is so big.
I hope we see us again in Germany or in Cyprus.
Yours Jakob

I enjoyed the days with the Cyprus guys. It was wonderful of getting to know the hospitality there. To have a look at the culture in the families…and also the good food. When I came back to Germany, I had grown 3 kilos. It is a pity that the weather was so bad, but I would like to come back and then it will be wonderful. Thank you for the great time.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Visiting students' schedule for their stay in Cyprus

STUDENTS’ SCHEDULE(Classes start at 7:30 and finish at 1:35)
(the students staying in the hotel will be attending classes/events at 9:00 and they will be picked up from the hotel by teachers)
Afternoons are free apart from the 1 and half hours of Monday tour as indicated below.
MONDAY 4/5/2009
7:30 -9:00(period 1-2)-Physical Education
9:00-11:00-meeting with our Comenius students and staff
-tour around the school premises
-watch a ppt presentation on Cyprus prepared by our students
11:10-12.40: Physical Education
12:55-1:35 – Art
6:30-8:00 - Afternoon tour: Cypriot students will guide you on a tour in Larnaca. There will also be teacher escorts( Niki and Kika)
TUESDAY 5/5/2009
7:30 -8:50(period 1-2)-Art (poster/drawings/T-shirt painting related to the project) under the supervision of the Art teacher who will assist them in their creations - the T-shirts and paints are available from our school)
8:50-9:20(attending healthy breakfast)
9:20-9:50(attending a cultural event)
10:00-1:00-project related work and/or Music lesson
WEDNESDAY 6/5/2009
7:30-9:00(period 1-2)-Athletic activities
Period 3: Project related work
Period 4-5: Tae Kwo Do class instruction
Period 6-7:Project related work
Thursday 7/5/2009
Period 1-2(dance rehearsal)
Period 3(9:20-10:05)- English lesson on Sports(students’ presentations)-CHRYS’ CLASS
Period 4: Attend European Day event organized by the school (at the end of the event the Comenius students are going to perform a Greek dance-Cypriot and German students)
Period 5-6: Athletic activities
Period 7: last students’ meeting

Thursday, April 2, 2009

sixth day - Lefteris C.' entry

On the sixth day we went on a tour at Bonn city. We all met at the central train station at Bonn, and we began our tour from the museum of German history. At the museum, we saw some exhibits that are very important for German people. We learned about the history of Germany from the beginning of the 20th Century until the accession of the country in the European Union. After our visit to the museum, we went to the University of Bonn. This huge building can hold 20,000 students every year. It was built in 1818 and it’s a University for Science. Then we went in front of Beethoven's statue. We didn’t know that Beethoven's city was Bonn, so we were surprised when we learned that. When we finished our tour we went shopping at the centre of the city. There were so many shops at the shopping district that we didn’t know where to start!!!! After shopping, we went home to get some rest. At night we went bowling...we had a lot of fun there! It was our last night in Germany so we were all very sad.

fifth day 12/03/09

Maria E.'s entry:

We woke up and went to school by train(still the coolest thing :-)). There we did some really cool sports. Basically we were trying them out to see if they were safe enough for small children to play. Then we went to class and we had a lesson on how we could do sports with blind people...
After that we went back to the gym and danced! They taught us their version of "Sirtaki" and then we taught us ours...Then the German students went for a swimming lesson and we went for lunch with our teachers.
At night we all went to one of the host student's houses and we ate spaghetti bolognese! We had lots of fun, talked and played darts.
Another fun day!!!! :-P