Thursday, April 2, 2009

fifth day 12/03/09

Maria E.'s entry:

We woke up and went to school by train(still the coolest thing :-)). There we did some really cool sports. Basically we were trying them out to see if they were safe enough for small children to play. Then we went to class and we had a lesson on how we could do sports with blind people...
After that we went back to the gym and danced! They taught us their version of "Sirtaki" and then we taught us ours...Then the German students went for a swimming lesson and we went for lunch with our teachers.
At night we all went to one of the host student's houses and we ate spaghetti bolognese! We had lots of fun, talked and played darts.
Another fun day!!!! :-P

1 comment:

  1. You made the first move. Congratulations. Thank you for keeping us informed about your time there.
